
I've never been good with maps...


I decided to study out on my lanai balcony this afternoon. A welcome change from my usual desk (and the occasional table at Starbucks), it was very much appropriate for me to wear my two days-old prescription sunnies.

I got a lot of studying done, which includes memorizing the names of eight Hawaiian islands, cities and mountains. Tomorrow I have both a midterm and a map quiz for Hawaiian Studies. My Kumu uploaded the map of the islands for us to become familiar with, and I printed it out. Side note: the paper here is oddly smaller than back home - not the regular A4 size that I'm used to, but what I would assume to be "letter" size.

Inspired by my surroundings, I took a short break from studying to take these photos. Click to embiggen.

And then the wind picked up, blowing my map of the Hawaiian Islands right off the lanai. Here's how it went down (literally).

Of course I picked the map up off the ground where it landed - it would be silly of me to waste $0.09 worth of printing like that! I did worry for a moment that I wouldn't find it again, and at first I simply thought, "Oh, there it goes... That's too bad." But I stuck to my morals as a person for the environment and trekked down to the landing site to retrieve it. The journey took about seven minutes.

So that was today's big adventure. I realize that I haven't posted in a while (midterms...) and there have been some interesting things to talk about, but I just haven't had the energy lately to do so. Hopefully after this week is over I'll be able to catch up on that!

A hui hou!

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