
A new world, a new word:


[adj.] beyond the limits of 'radical' and 'extreme'; excessively good or bad.


Okay, so I haven't posted anything in about a week. Sorry. I have some really good reasons, though, such as my gnarly (excessively good) trip to the Garden Island (Kaua'i) over the weekend, followed by a gnarly (excessively bad) amount of homework that's been piling up and up to the point of can't-be-botheredness.

First things first - KAUA'I WAS AWESOME.

Hiking through the jungle playing music from the soundtrack of Lost in my head (and singing "In The Jungle" out loud).
A fantastic group of people in a phantasmagorically picturesque location! < these are just the ones who could be bothered hiking up along the Na Pali Coast.

T.K. had fun, too - we both want to go back. See more photos here. I took a lot of videos such as of waves, chickens, and other random stuff too, which I will be posting episodically.

Alright, so now that I'm back from my little vacation, I've got to get back into the rhythm of uni. Easier said than done. I have so much to study for, in so little time. Next week is going to be epically long, with a paper due on Monday followed by midterm exams on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

In addition to the aforementioned reasons as to why I have not posted in such a long time, I have been updating this blog here and there, with new pages including an About Me page and an About T.K. page. I'm working on a contact page, just because I think it'd look cool to have one. But right now it's midnight and I want to get some rest. I'm heading to the gym early tomorrow morning.

I know, right?

A hui hou kakou!

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