
Job hunting


I need to figure out what to do after this semester ends. Since this is my final semester of undergraduate studies, I'll be graduating around May next year (assuming I don't fail two or more of my classes here). And then what? Honours? Master's? Master's of Education? I know for certain that if I do decide to continue studying (which I probably will) it will take place after at least a six-month hiatus. Because four years out of a minimum three was just too much.

I took some time today to look online for something I might be able to do. The easiest option, in terms of work, would be to return to my old job for the summer holidays and reclaim some of the money that's disappeared from my bank account since I've been here. As for finding a job related to what I've studied for the past four years of my life, not many interesting results came up. A lot of the more appealing ones required qualifications that I haven't even heard of.

My Kiwi Friend suggested that I apply for a job that One position that I do have my eye on at the moment is a sustainable development internship in Bali. It's a five or more week gig working in an "international diving mecca and biodiversity hotspot" doing stuff like PR, multimedia, science/education and sustainable development. Or something. I know what it looks like - I'll be arriving back home from Hawai'i only to leave again for another island - but this is what I imagined my career to be all about! Besides, it'll only be for about five or so weeks...

I shudder to think of what little time I have left here (seven weeks today). It's amazing how quickly time flies. I remember arriving in Honolulu a few months ago, on my epically long Friday the 13th. I remember the night before that - I had my friends over for pizza and PS3 and I accidentally groped one of their behinds (I SWEAR IT WASN'T ON PURPOSE, ALBERT). Earlier that day I had my eyes examined by a reasonably attractive ophthalmologist. The night before that was karaoke night at Kelly's, where I belted out some Journey and Alicia Keyes quite terribly (I had a sore throat). The Sunday before I left was the last big family event I attended - a birthday party for one of my nieces. And the day before that was my last shift at work. I remember my supervisor making a big deal about it.

While I think about home and about what to do next year, I'm simultaneously trying to get a move on with my list of things to do in Hawai'i. "Get Lost" is at the top of the list, by which I mean two things - (1) visit filming locations around the island, as well as (2) buy Lost: The Complete Collection on DVD. And speaking of buying stuff, I need to start Christmas shopping now. Where can I get my hands on some geckos?

The AUD/USD relationship from Friday, Aug 13 to today

Tomorrow is yet another public holiday. It's getting a little ridiculous - last week we had Tuesday off for an election that's not even compulsory. In Australia, where it's compulsory to vote, our elections are usually held on a weekend so that everyone can do it. Tomorrow's day off is to recognize those that have served or are serving the country in the military: Veteran's Day. In Australia, November 11 is Remembrance Day, where the country pauses for a minute. I'm not complaining about having a couple more days off than what I'm used to, but it makes me wonder - which country has got it right?

A hui hou!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a good idea to take time off. I took six months off after my Bachelor's; it was the only way I could then go back & do honours.
    Funnily enough, I'm now tossing up between whether I should go back and do a masters+doctorate & become a professor, or do my Master dive license & go live on a tropical island taking people SCUBA diving...!
