
All aboard the Humbug Express!


In my two-hour break between classes yesterday I could have had a free lunch at the International Baptist Center as I usually do. Instead I bought yet another $5 footlong at Subway. I could have finished the homework that I was supposed to do for my Filipino class. Instead I did it at the very last minute and didn't even submit one part. So what stopped me from doing all of the above?

I am on a quiet street, sitting on a tiny bike. No more training wheels. My dad is holding me up while I pedal and then suddenly he lets go. Why would he do that? Luckily a lot of practice and perseverance allowed me to remain upright for the seven or eight seconds of sheer terror. In those moments, it turns out, my dad ran across the street and fetched me a bunch of balloons that happened to just be sitting there - as if the balloon man wanted to congratulate me on my achievements.
--End flashback--

I've been thinking for a while about getting a bike. I haven't owned one since I was a kid, and even then they didn't belong to me. But I'm in Hawai`i, where it takes about 20 minutes to get almost anywhere by bike. Okay not literally, but you get the point. So anyway, Thursday was the big bike sale on campus. My awesome friend Ammi signed my name up after hers because I was in a class and couldn't do it myself. Here's how it went down:

  1. Write your name on the list. I was #34 and there were a total of about 45 bikes.
  2. Browse around for a bike you're interested in. I tended to look only at the blue ones. They ranged in price from $0 to about $50. Some were free for a reason.
  3. Wait until your name gets called. It was a hot day and we were getting impatient. There were so many before us and we were becoming a little delusional from the heat and hunger, but by the time our names were called (in my case, "Jemmy") we were so excited that it didn't matter.
  4. Shop for a bike with an experienced helper. Without hesitation I told my helper that I need a blue bike. There weren't many left. He showed me all the blue bikes they had and told me a little about them. There was a free bike whose derailers weren't working properly. We strolled up the aisle and eventually I found one that I really liked (although no kickstand).
  5. Pay for bike. At this stage the heat and hunger pains were returning. The queue was long and moving slowly. I paid $30 for my bike and received some documents required to register my bike at some place I've already forgotten. Whatevs.

Introducing the Humbug Express! Why the name? Well, the brand is "Huffy" and I have a tendency to name things based on what they're already named (e.g. Lucius the Panasonic Lumix). In this case I was first considering "Huffington". Then "Hufflepuff". Then "Cedric Diggory". Then "Robert Pattinson". I settled on "Humbug Express" but I'm not too thrilled with this name at the moment. Your thoughts?

Anyway, now that I have a bike I need to buy some cool accessories to go with it. I already have some bad-ass paintball gloves to protect my delicate palms from its corroding handlebars. I'll probably get some bad-ass stickers to decorate it. And I'd probably want a helmet, too.

I am cruising around the cul-de-sac on my brother's Jurassic Park (?) bike. There's nobody around, so I can be an idiot if I want to. I pop a wheelie, hands-free, and before I know it, I'm on the ground wondering what the heck just happened. I go back inside the house immediately, and pretend as though it never happened.
--End flashback--

Having not cycled (or done any form of physical activity) in years, I'm going to have to get used to all this pain on my thighs. Perhaps I'll go for a joy ride every morning, up and down the Ala Wai Canal - the first meeting place of my favourite Korean couple, Jin and Sun. Side note: I'm still hunting for Daniel Dae Kim.

A hui hou kakou!

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