
Venting my spleen


A unanimous decision was made tonight. My friends told me I need to vent a bit of frustration that I have been keeping bottled up inside. And what a terribly effervescent piece of frustration to keep in such a loosely-lidded bottle - ask any of the aforementioned friends, I have been going on and on about this for days.

I am at the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet with Yurika, one of my friends in the MIX. We are browsing through some t-shirts and I come across one that I really, really like. Faded grey camo. Perfect fit. And across the front of it is Hawai`i's state fish, the humuhumunukunukuapua'a.

--Flashback within a flashback--
It is the first class in Geology of the Hawaiian Islands. We receive handouts including the class syllabus, a diagram of the earth's layers, and an unofficial guide to pronunciation of Hawaiian words. The author of the guide promises, in the last few sentences of the paper, that even such a long word as "humuhumunukunukuapua'a" could simply roll off the tongue with practice. I commit this particular word to memory.
--End flashback within a flashback--

I stare at the shirt in awe. Here in front of me is a t-shirt that is perfect in so many ways. There is nothing cooler in the world, right now, than this fine piece of apparel. And at $3 per shirt (4 for $11 or 8 for $20), how could I resist? I'll tell you how - somewhere out here, in this seemingly endless chain of market stalls encircling the gigantic Aloha Stadium, I know for sure that I get a better deal. I decide to hide it underneath a stack of similar (but much less perfect) shirts just in case I need to come back for it. Yurika and I continue along from stall to stall and eventually share a huge and delicious lunch between us. We learn from the lunch lady that the stalls are pretty repetitive so there really isn't any point in going all the way around. As we make our way back to the same t-shirt stall I think to myself: "What other three shirts would I like to get for $11?" "Or eight shirts for $20?" However I return to the same spot to find that the one shirt I had fallen completely in love with had just disappeared. Frantically, I search the entire section for it, but without luck. Epic fail. I could try to find whoever now owned the shirt and then buy it from them. Or I could hunt them down and try to win it off them in a fight to the death. That shirt is mine - if I can't wear it, no one can.
--End flashback--

Yeah, so for the past few days I've been a bit bummed INSANELY TICKED OFF about this seemingly one-of-a-kind shirt. I can't find it anywhere else, and every time I do find something really similar it just isn't the same. What do I have to do to get my hands on it again? I have on at least two occasions walked into a store and asked, outright, "Do you have the humuhumunukunukuapua'a shirt in grey?" And I got really excited when I saw the last few syllables of the word on a kids' shirt, only to be let down by the drawing of a pig (pua'a) on it instead.

Seriously, I won't rest until I find this shirt again. I won't leave this island without it. And once I do get it, I won't even wear it. It's too perfect. I'll have it framed. And kept in a safe.

That's about it for today, I think I've gone on long enough. I had a great Labor Day weekend with friends but have reverted back to holiday mode. It is getting harder and harder to study as I make more friends and visit more places. There's one friend I'm about to visit right now:



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