
I don't know where to begin...

So I'll start with this: I'm okay - I made it home in one piece, and I'm sitting in my room with the air-con on full-blast as I type this.


To put it bluntly, I stacked on my way home from uni it this afternoon.

There I was, cycling down Date Street, making a left onto McCully. A couple of cars were banked up at the next intersection and so I thought to myself, "Screw this, I'm going to ride on the sidewalk!"


Face-down on the footpath. Palms burning. Picking myself off the ground and dusting myself off, I reached for my bicycle and the numerous other objects scattered on the ground - bike lock, pineapple, bananas. I have a feeling that the blame for this incident can be placed on the uneven distribution of weight on my bike as a result of my grocery shopping. Earlier today I passed by the Farmers' Market on campus where I bought a lot of cheap fruits and veggies. Most of it fit in my back but I couldn't squeeze in the bananas or the pineapple. It was tricky at first to cycle with these bags hanging off the handle bar, but I managed to do it. For a little while.

So anyway, I picked up my bike and examined it, deeming it temporarily unfit for use. Slowly I made my way on foot across the McCully bridge (where I watched the #4 bus drive past, equally as slow) and over to Ala Wai Boulevard where I stopped for another checkup. The bike chain had been totally dislodged and was jammed in between two immovable parts of the bike. There I sat, for a good three to five minutes attempting to fix it when finally-


Out it popped! I rearranged it as necessary and took it for a test spin. Perfect. I felt so proud of myself. Couldn't help but smile all the way home from there, one hand cradling the pineapple and the other on the handle bar. Which brings me to where I am now - at home, with the air-con on full-blast, trying to recollect every memory from this afternoon's adventure while eating mushy bananas. I'm thankful that I walked away without a scratch on me, after all - it could have been so much worse...

So the lesson in today's dramedy: No matter how rough the journey can get, the pineapple at the end will taste just as sweet.

A hui hou!

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