
I love my Kumu. Part II


You might remember from a previous post that I have a pretty awesome Hawaiian Studies teacher. Today her awesomeness struck again.

Monday morning. I have just finished my Hawaiian Studies midterm, the last of all my midterms for the time being. Do I feel relieved? No. If anything I felt more stressed than before the midterm week even began. I curse myself for not studying enough. I curse the trade winds for blowing away my map and sending me on a seven-minute journey away from my studying sanctuary. I curse Starbucks Guy for being distractingly attractive. And I blame the state of Hawai'i for being an unfit environment for any form of study.
--End flashback--

So this morning I had Hawaiian Studies again, and Kumu started the class off with a sincere apology. She acknowledged that although she thought the test was relatively easy when she wrote it, upon closer inspection it was actually really hard. She assured us that it would never be like that again.

It seems like my prayer to the Hawaiian gods (all 40,000 of them) was answered! Because, as she handed our test papers back to us to go through the questions, Kumu told us she bumped up all the marks by 20 points, which turned my 54 into 74/100, and put a little bit of a smile on my face. Yes, I know I definitely need to study more for the next midterm, but by the looks of things it will be heaps easier (instead of being 50 multiple choice questions as this test was, it will be fill-in-the-blanks). And the next map quiz will be separate from the midterm, too.

Results for other classes have been pretty good, too. I got 43/50 for Hawaiian Environmental Sciences and 61/70 in Filipino. Now all I'm waiting for is the result for my Geology class. Not really looking forward to that one either.

And, in other news, I just collected my new pair of glasses! I ordered two new pairs (one regular and one pair of prescription sunnies) last Thursday, and I picked up the sunglasses on Friday morning. The regular pair took longer to put together, so they were only ready from last night.

A hui hou!

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