
45 things to do in a 44-hour day

Part 1 - Sydney chapter

1. Wake up early (= 9.30am)
2. Eat leftover KFC spicy chicken
3. Finish packing (didn't happen until 3pm)
4. Call Optus
5. Go to the bank
6. Update Facebook status
7. Photocopy all travel documents
8. Repeat #7
9. Eat chicken casserole
10. Feed dog an English muffin and rub his belly
11. Purchase birthday present(s) in advance for brothers
12. Wrap up aforementioned present(s)
13. Hide present(s) in place(s) aforementioned brothers would hopefully never look
14. Repeat #6
15. Say goodbye to bedroom, pets and house
16. Travel by car to grandma's place
17. Wish grandma a happy birthday :)
18. Eat chicken salad sandwich
19. Purchase new Matthew Reilly books for flight and, secondarily, as a "part of my culture to share"
20. Proceed to check-in counter F at Sydney International Airport
21. Promise self not to cry while passing through gate
22. Chase after the sun in a Boeing 767 Jet

Part II - Honolulu chapter

23. Travel backwards through time
24. Regain consciousness with airplane breakfast on tray table (not chicken)
25. Clear customs confusedly
26. Look for person holding sign with my name on it
27. Receive welcome package including snacks, toiletries, University of Hawaii campus map and a pillow
28. Get dropped off at hostel and check in with nice lady who hasn't had her break and therefore cannot calculate
29. Freshen up for yet another Friday the 13th
30. Phone home, and then get disconnected due to lack of quarters
31. Report to International Student Services office in Queen Lili`uokalani Center
32. Meet Mr. MIX
33 Take a shot of Tuberculosis
34. Have first local lunch - Subway grilled chicken 6-inch sub
35. Consider whether or not I'm supposed to tip
36. Return to hostel and take advantage of free Wi-Fi
37. Repeat #6
38. Sort out stuff that needs to be sorted out
39. Stroll past a black cat. Look it in the eyes and walk away
40. Consider what's for dinner
41. Consider going to Waikiki
42. Phone home again
43. Have first dinner - chicken-flavoured ramen... Followed by chocolate for dessert
44. Wash dishes alongside German girl while chatting about how snobby Sydney Uni is
45. Publish this post