
Lost in Waikiki. Literally.


I went to Waikiki this morning, after picking up breakfast from 7-Eleven (kids: don't try this at home). Breakfast consisted of a sandwich and a Twinkie. I didn't really spend so much time at the beach, which at the moment is still very much packed with tourists, because I'll be living nearby during the semester anyway - there'll be plenty of time to go.

T.K. at Waikiki Beach. I could have gotten a little more creative,
perhaps a photo in front of the water itself, but meh.
And speaking of my semester accommodation, I thought I'd go looking for it since I was in the area. The address of the building is 2280 Kuhio Avenue. I started walking up Kuhio, then realised the street numbers were increasing from 2500 so I turned around and walked the other way. Fail. I got to the end of the road and started walking back towards where I came from. Eventually I found the building I was looking for, but it took forever and I needed to go potty so I didn't hang around much except to take these photos.

Hawaii has a bus system known simply as TheBus. Students flash their ID card to get a free ride, but because I don't get my ID card until Monday, I had to feed the machine with $2.50. The annoying thing is that the machines don't give change, so before catching my bus home I had to do a bit of shopping.

I bought a shell from the market, thinking that when I receive my change I could request some coins. Fail. The people before me who made a purchase from the same stall took the lady's last coins. So I went to Jamba Juice to get nice cold drink to survive the hot sun and some freaking quarters.

"Can I get a mango smoothie?"
"Do you want mango, or mango a-go-go?"
"...Mango a-go-go."
I eventually got back to the hostel and had a refreshingly cold shower. I don't know if the shower I used has a hot water tap, and I spent a minute trying to figure it out, but I guess it doesn't matter since it's hot enough outside anyway. For the past hour or so I've been in the lounge area, discussing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows with some transferring grad students. Most of the people at this hostel are students, and many of them grad students. Apparently to them I look older than I actually am:
"So are you doing your PhD or Masters?"
I just heard someone's phone go off, which reminds me that I wanted to find a solution to my long-distance telecommunications problem at some stage. Back to 7-Eleven I go.



  1. Glad to hear you got there ok - and why did you go to 7 eleven? ABC stores are the place to be seen!

  2. John was right about the ABC stores. I saw one while on the bus heading down Kuhio Ave, and then seconds later - ANOTHER ONE!
