
Statehood Day

One of Hawaii's many public holidays, Statehood Day commemorates the archipelago's admission into the United States of America as the 50th state about five decades ago. It is also the day I decided to "unintentionally explore" downtown Honolulu.

I mentioned in my previous post that I've been searching for a local SIM for my phone. Today I wanted to go to Best Buy - where I know they sell O2 Wireless SIM cards - so I Googled directions to the place and made my way there by bus. I was sitting on the bus for an hour before getting off (Google estimated a ten-minute trip) and unfortunately I was nowhere near my destination.


'Iolani Palace is where I got off the bus. I don't know why, but that's where Google told me to go. So I walked around the palace grounds, taking photos of the statues like the tourist that I very much am, but as much as I walked (and walked, and walked) I couldn't find Best Buy at all. I got a little excited at every hint of blue writing on a building, only to be let down each time I saw it read "Honda". Hunger eventually got the better of me so I stopped at Subway for another $5 foot long.

Above: Queen Lili'uokalani statue. Top left: King Kamehameha.
Top right: Hawaiian state flag atop the 'Iolani Palace.
It was only on a full stomach that I decided to finally ask someone if there's a Best Buy in the area, and the Segway-riding security guard at Hawaii Pacific University told me that there isn't one nearby. You'd think I would ask for directions to the one that I know does exist, but no.

I gave up on my search after a little bit more walking - my legs were starting to ache - and caught the bus back to the hostel (which was extremely difficult as I had no idea where I was).

There are at least three things I've learned from today's (mis)adventures:
  1. I need to find accurate directions before journeying into the unknown
  2. I shouldn't be afraid to ask for help and admit that I'm lost; and
  3. I should probably invest in a map of the island.
While it wasn't my best day in Honolulu, I certainly can not say that I've had a bad one so far. After all, it was great to be welcomed back to the hostel this afternoon. By a certain somebody.


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