
I love my Kumu. Just saying.


This morning I was kinda freaking out about my Hawaiian Studies class. Mostly because I hadn't done all of the readings, since I spent a lot of time last night Skyping my family and friends. Which became advantageous to me in hindsight, because I actually read one of the articles out loud to a friend and was able to understand it more clearly. She, on the other hand, had no idea what I was talking about.

At the start of each class, Kumu (instructor) picks a handful of students to give a summary on the readings. Today, being the first of these summary presentation days, she gave us the opportunity to volunteer our summaries rather than picking names at random. This was a chance to study the readings well, offer our answers, and get 15 points out of the way from the beginning. So when nobody volunteered to be the first speaker, my shaky hand seemed to slowly raise itself into the air.

I gave my summary and understanding of the article, trying as hard as I could not to say "um" too much. She then proceeded to ask some questions about the article - some which I knew the answers to, and some which I had to bluff - and within a few minutes it was over. At the end of the class I received my mark and was over the moon! Maybe she was being nice because I was the first to volunteer, or maybe I explained it better than I thought I did.

Either way, it doesn't matter. I just earned 15 marks towards this class.

That's an entire three percent.

Heck yeah.



  1. We should do this out loud reading more often! definitely works for both of us.. *smiles and nods*

  2. Awesome! I'll blab on about some irrelevant topic, and as long as you smile and nod continuously we'll all be sweet :)
