
Twelve things I won't miss about home...

I was talking to my friend yesterday about how some Australian TV commercials really piss me off. In fact I can hear an ad for Colgate in the living room right as I type this, and I seriously want to bitch slap each testimonial-giver in the face. Anyway, I began thinking of other things that I most definitely will not miss when I go abroad, including:

  • Sydney’s public transport system: for the past few months I’ve had to pay up to $57 per week for transport, which sucks. Balls.
  • Construction work at my uni: they inconveniently blocked off the shortcuts going from building to building, which also sucks balls.
  • Idiotic parents of feral rat-children: they disturb the peace at my place of work.
  • Bogans: need I say more?
  • WESTERN SYDNEY in general: to say “shit happens” here is a vast understatement.
  • The federal election: I know I should care about this, but to be honest I really don’t...
  • Tony Abbott’s face
  • Julia Gillard’s voice
  • David Koch: his face AND voice.
  • Any Channel 7 personality, for that matter.
  • Springtime hay fever: [dust × pollen] ^ itchy, watery eyes = ANGRY JELLY.

I could write an extensive report on the many things I will sorely miss – especially my friends. Whether we’re travelling hours away from the city to unknown locations simply to purchase a pack of Snickers-flavoured cookies, or having dinner at a local café while discussing whom we would have to kill for a good job, as long as I’m with my friends, I’m bound to have a blast. The whole point, however, of me going on exchange is to step out of my comfort zone, away from what is familiar, etc... and, um, yeah!

So hopefully there aren’t any bogans in Hawai’i. Fingers crossed tightly that I don’t suffer from the pains of hay fever while I’m there. And thank goodness for the $20 semester-long bus pass that I'll get as a student at the University of Hawai’i!



  1. lol i served mark barretta at work the other day. i think he's the sports dude on sunrise. he was polite and kids were well behaved and he said my name and shit. i like him. all the customers should be like that.

  2. Why don't you just go marry Mark Beretta?
