
The good news is I don't have tuberculosis!

The bad news is that after I had my first dose of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine as an infant, we moved away from Holland and I never got the second one. So today, after twenty years without it, the fatty deposits in my right arm were once again subjected to the prick of the needle. I guess it's not that bad, I mean what if I never even received the first vaccination?

Also today I enrolled into my classes for the semester, which are as follows:
  • Science of the Sea
  • Hawaiian Environmental Sciences
  • Geology of the Hawaiian Islands
  • Beginning Filipino
I know what you're thinking - why, Jerry, are you taking four classes when you only need three before you graduate?

I'm wondering the same as well. And I'll probably drop one of the subjects soon anyway. But when I spoke to the exchange officer (Mr. MIX) on Friday, he said that I may as well do four seeing as though I'm allowed to - and how often do you get to do a subject for free? His words, not mine. The idea wouldn't sound so insanely ridiculous if I could participate in sport and/or leisure classes such as SCUBA diving, tennis, badminton or aqua-aerobics, but the only "sport" offered this semester is weight-training (which is full anyway). So yeah, I'll see how that goes. Enrolling into that fourth subject was hard enough - not only deciding what to take, but what time my classes should be (I would have opted for an earlier class but 7.30am is pushing it just a bit).

I mentioned on Facebook yesterday that I'd take a photo of my bear-shaped honey container. HE'S SO KYOTO. 

Also - organic pop tarts! nom nom nom nom nom!

New video tomorrow :)



  1. Beginning Filipino? Like you couldn't do that here? hahaha

  2. HAHA I know right!?

    Yeah I came all this way to study something I could do at Blacktown community college. But all the other subjects were either full, or I couldn't enrol for some reason. Hopefully it'll be easy for me. It's my first preference of subjects to drop lol
