

...and the shockwave6653 story starts with this video. Although if you want to get technical, it started long before the video, but I won’t bore you with the details. “5 reasons why I should go to Hawaii” is, in summary, an advertisement for yours truly. I used it as part of my application for a semester-long student exchange in Hawai’i during the second half of 2010. In hindsight it was quite unnecessary, on at least two levels – making a video wasn’t a requirement of the application process; and the content regarding GPAs was, as I soon discovered, highly irrelevant. Nevertheless, my application was accepted by both my uni and the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, and I will be embarking on this journey in just over one week!

I have set up this blog as a means of communicating my experiences, thoughts, ideas and general ramblings not only to my family and friends back in Australia and all over the world, but to the new friends I will inevitably make along the way, as well as anyone who has the time and ability to read. If you’ve made it this far, you’re doing great.

In addition to this blog, I will try to make regular videos to post on my YouTube channel, so go ahead and subscribe for updates! I look forward to sharing the aforementioned experiences, etc., with you as much as I look forward to getting...


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