


I normally try to post just one new blog entry per day, but you guys deserve to know about this wonderful, magical place known as Yogurtland.

I am really considering getting a part-time job here!

It's like the yogurt version of EasyWay. Seriously!
Step 1: choose your yogurt
Step 2: add your toppings
Step 3: weigh and pay

I, being completely new to this concept, only managed to squeeze out a strawberry yogurt with mixed jelly topping. Next time I'll start with mixed fruits, then add the yogurt, and top off with something new... Oh, the possibilities! Step 3 was the funniest:
"Would you like to have it here, or take away?"
*Unnecessary delay* "Take away please"
"And would you like a cover for it?"
"Um, yeah... Thanks!"
"How about some ice - would you like me to put it in a bag of ice for you?"
*Another unnecessary pause* "Sure!"

It's yummy, yeah, but next time I'm going ALL OUT.
Would you like some yogurt with your bag of ice?
I've had a taste of it, but since I ate my Souper Meal already (which I was originally intending to have for dinner), I'm saving the rest of this beast for later. What I'll do with all the ice, I don't quite know.


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